A Miracle!
This past week has been chaotic at best. The week started with prep for a Wild Game Feast. I shopped, looked at recipes, and cooked for 3.5 days. The dinner was Wednesday night and we had about 50 people there. Everyone left very sated from all the wonderful elk, deer, trout, pheasant, and side dishes!
The day of the dinner I couldn't keep my BG up. It got a little confusing when I couldn’t tell the difference between Bravo alerting for BG and wanting more meat scraps!
Thursday we had a board meeting and all day my BG went up and It down…more of a typical roller coaster day.
Yesterday was a miracle! Why???? My BG stayed in between 80 and 180 ALL DAY and I got to eat! About 10 days ago I received a loaner DexCom Seven from Cottonwood Endocrinology. Dex is a continuous blood glucose monitor. I test on average of 10 to 15 times a day with my meter. Dex tests every 5 minutes. I saw a lot of things that I was missing or ideas were confirmed by the data I was receiving. Dex is an amazing little creature. It has some pitfalls but the feedback I have been getting is incredible!
This is the 2nd time I have been on a CBGM (continuous blood glucose monitor) in the last 2 months. The first time I couldn’t see the results. Dex has a little screen that gives data immediately. My diabetic educator told me when you are on one …IT IS TIME TO TEST THEORIES AND TRY NEW THINGS. I did and yesterday I think we stumbled on something that works.
I have NASTY spikes after eating. It doesn’t matter if I eat 15 carbs or 60 carbs my BG spikes to 200 or better. There have been days I could think about food and it would spike. It seems I have zero 1st phase insulin and limited 2nd phase insulin. My insulin has never matched my food, so I would get wild swing. I have tried everything under the sun! Low carb, not eating, dual waves, supplements, drugs, and the list goes on. Yesterday I discovered I feature on my Animas Ping pump that I think may be part of the miracle I have been looking for. It is the temporary basal feature. Basal insulin is the insulin in our bodies that constantly there. It kind of just ekes out to keep BG levels semi steady. Basal rates are different for everyone.
Yesterday I decided to try this feature out. As I got ready to eat lunch I turned my basal rates up by 30 percent for 3 hours then I bolused for the carbs I was going to eat. At 2 hours I was at 125, at 3 I was at 120. Then I turned the basal down 30% for 2.5 hours. At 6 hours after eating I was at 100 and at 8 hours after eating I was at 100. It was STEADY!!!!! I ate again and the same thing happened. I awoke this am to a BG reading of 100!!!
I know to those of you who don’t have diabetes I am speaking a foreign language, but trust me when I say THIS IS A MIRACLE for me. The last time my BG was this steady was when I was in the the hospital for 2 weeks not eating at all! Before that I am betting it has been close to 10 years! I don’t remember the last time I woke up with a BG that low.
Thank you Lord!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!!
P.S. Lord, if it isn’t asking to much can I have another miracle with these lows I have been having????? Don’t want to be greedy, but it sure would be nice to have some more of my life back that I have gave up!
Reader Comments (1)
Wow that's great! I don't really understand but STEADY is good! :)