The Dentist
What can a dentist have to do with a Diabetic Alert Dog forum??
Well today I had to go to the dentist….I LOVE my dentist but I hate the profession…….sorry but I once had a very horrible experience with a dentist who is currently in prison for dealing drugs….he drilled into my sinus cavity and in general caused a LOT of pain and suffering. You turn on that drill in a dentist office and I am like a deer in the headlights of your car!
Sorry I digressed a little….my dentist is a really cool guy that I originally met when he called me to get some dog training. He became a hero when he fixed some of the handiwork work of the druggie dentist that scarred me for life! Dr Toone is a good man. He likes dogs, seems to be a good dad, and a good husband, and in general gets life….I just don’t like going to the dentist…so therefore I don’t see him but about once a year or so and then only after I am nagged into it. I know me being a fraidy cat about dentist doesn’t fit the the rest of me.
Today at the dentist I was filling him in on my life of the last year. He was very interested in hearing what diabetic alert dogs are and what they can do. With both elbows in my mouth he makes a profound statement…”KC….I do believe you have found your purpose in life.” He goes on to say..”KC you are one of the most honest, down to earth people, who knows dogs and loves people, and you can combine all of those gifts”. “ That is just incredible…what do you see as you role?” Through all the drool, my mind is racing. What am I going to do? We chat more about the various DAD agencies and what some of them are charging for a dog and how it seems out of reach for some. My brain is still racing…it is almost putting thoughts out as fast as he little suction thing is sucking up the drool. He is done, gives me lots of things to think about and I hit the road.
What is my purpose in this? What more can I do??? How can I help make a difference? Don’t you just love those seemingly innocent moments that turn your life upside down?
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