
Health Time Capsule

First in will be a bottle of INSULIN!  After all this is the nectar of the gods that rule my life!  It is the thing that I MUST HAVE every day of my life from here until the day I die!  Along with that will be all the necessary things that go with the insulin.  Needles, pump supplies, insulin pump, ketone strips, carb counting books, daily blood glucose log book, and we can not forget the blood glucose monitor!  I will have to make sure the lancet device has a clean needle…. wonder if One Touch test strips will still work in a 100 years.   Ohhhhh…. and I cant forget batteries!  After all when you have a chronic disease like T1 diabetes…every gadget known to help us requires 2 AA or AAA batteries.  Also cant forget all the assorted cables to those gadgets…heaven knows that companies can not agree on which cable connector to use so they each make their own and you must have all 87 of them to track your progress! Lastly in the diabetic container will be a bottle of glucose tabs…those nasty things that I absolutely despise because I don’t and never have liked candy!  I cannot eat them with out my face screwing up like I ate a sour apple!

I should also include a picture and write up of my 2 favorite diabetic alert dogs, Bravo and Radar.  Bravos picture will of course be a very serious one of him alerting while Radars will probably be one of him lifting his leg on a sign that says Diabetes!

Since I have the diabetes thing covered I should now turn my focus into all the other diabetes related things that I have to pay attention to even if I do have good control!  Things like heart disease, high cholesterol, eye exams, foot checks, infections, and dental
hygiene…because as we all know diabetes causes EVERYTHING !  If something is wrong with you the doctors are going to blame the diabetes!

Also included will be a copy of my insurance policy and all of the claims paid out over the last year.  I just hope who ever opens it has a legal degree! 

Speaking of opening the capsule I wonder what their reaction will be to all of this stuff!  I will not even venture to guess their thoughts on these archaic things.  All I know is that I hope and pray that by 2112 that diabetes has been removed from the list of diseases! That the cure was found and it no longer affects anyone’s quality of life!  I just pray it wasn’t a April Fools day joke!


Health Activist Writers Challenge

Well this should be entertaining!   I agreed to participate in a 30 day, 30-post challenge from Health Activist Writers.  So over the course of April you should see a new post daily. After that I have been soliciting ideas from folks about what they want me to write on…so if you have any ideas please feel free to post up!  Enjoy that which is to come!



Lots of folks are getting a diabetic alert dog now!  I am excited and happy for them!  As I have stated before these dogs are NOT AN END ALL but they are an extremely useful tool! 

As folks attempt to self-train I am seeing some interesting patterns.  People WANT IT NOW!!!!!  They expect a dog to be a soldier in the war against diabetes.  They want consistent scent work from the time the dog comes home.  They want perfect obedience.  Folks listen it is going to take AT LEAST 2 years to get a RELIABLE CONSISTANT diabetic alert dog IF IT HAPPENS AT ALL!    THERE ARE GOING TO BE UPS AND DOWNS.   There are going to be missed alerts. ALL SORTS OF THINGS CAN HAPPEN!

IF YOU WANT THE ABOVE THINGS…YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE WORK YOUR BUTT OFF!  You are going to need to learn more about dog training and dog behavior than you ever wanted to know.  Remember this is in ADDITION to dealing with diabetes and all the other things that you juggle in your life.  The interesting thing is that YOU CAN DO EVERYTHING and still FALL SHORT of having a reliable diabetic alert dog!  You might end up with a really good pet!

Bravo is an AMAZING DOG!  The best I have ever owned or trained, but he is still a dog!  YES!  YOU HEARD ME...HE IS STILL A DOG!  He occasionally throws up on my floor.  He woofs when you knock on my door.  If he doesn’t like you he will turn away from you.  He occasionally will try to steal food.   He will beg for food if you let him.  Sometimes he pulls on the leash and he is ALWAYS the FUN POLICE at my house.  If the younger dogs are having too much fun or gets to excited he will run over and correct them.  He is amazing dog but he is STILL A DOG!  Training is always and evermore ONGOING!  Does it get easier…yes!  But I still train or do something with him almost daily!  Sometimes I do obedience, sometimes I do field work, sometimes I do agility, sometimes I do scent work, sometimes we go hunting, sometimes we go for a long walk, sometimes he jogs along side my bike, and sometimes we go play ball!  EVERY DAY folks!  EVERY DAY we do SOMETHING besides alerting!

If you want a quality diabetic alert dog you have to look at and address THE WHOLE DOG!  This applies to ANY dog!  A pound dog, an imprinted puppy, or a fully trained dog!  It doesn’t matter whether you get a free dog or a 20 k one the process is still the same!   They are not soldiers…they are dogs! Every part of the dog must be looked at and revisited often.  Is the dog getting enough exercise?  Is he getting the right food and the right amount of food?  Is he healthy and getting proper checks?  Is he getting consistent and persistent training in all areas?  Is he getting enough rest?  With a puppy, does he have a fairly consistent and routine schedule?  Are you adding new and challenging things daily?  Do you challenge the brain as well as the mind!  Any one of these things can throw alerting to scent off, and the dog will stop alerting.  Maybe he will start again and maybe not…. scent training is an OFFERED BEHAVIOR.  There are so many variables that can impact it!   Yes there are MANY things that can enhance and perhaps restart the alert process but STOPPING ALERTING can happen anywhere and anytime.  How are you going to handle that if it happens?  Are you going to blame the dog for being stupid?   Are you going to be angry? Are you going to be scared?  Any of those things can stop alerting as well! 

Can they burn out??  YES!  I have seen that!  It is most often because all areas of the WHOLE DOG were not addressed!  And trainers kept pounding away at what they want and the dog quits!   It isn’t pretty!  I have seen my dogs so EXHAUSTED from alerting that they can hardly move!  I have seen the frustration build up when I can’t fix my blood glucose no matter how hard I try.  Honestly, I have wondered why Bravo hasn’t told me to “go pound sand”. 
Folks this is NOT an EASY process.  It is always and ever HARD WORK!  Is it worth it? ABSOLUTLY but there are no guarantees.  It could all be in vain…are you ready for that?  They are always FIRST AND FOREMOST DOGS!!! No trainer can ever make a dog anything but a dog.  Dog training, scent training, public access, diabetes, and life is a lot for anyone!  If you are not going to be COMMMITED to the process, if you cant ENJOY the process and the relationship of having a dog do everyone a favor and get a CBGM (continuous blood glucose monitor)!  I have one in the drawer that you can have!



Recently I have experienced an influx of people asking questions about “natural alerts”.  Let me say I think that is the WRONG WORD for this.  It is not some strange unnatural phenomenon…it is more than likely a trained response to a situation….we just had no clue what we were teaching/training the dog at the time.  Even more interesting is that I believe this “alert” was trained through negative stimuli which most people that work with scent say NEVER PUT A NEGATIVE WITH A SCENT!

I have been in the dog world a very long time.  I took my first steps holding on to a dogs collar.   I have to tell you growing up on a farm, that todays more humane practice, were far more old school.  Both with kids and animals!   You did it because you were told you too! And if you didn’t there were consequences!  I am not ashamed to admit this…..sometimes I didn’t do things because I was worried about what my parents might do or say!  Over time ….my thoughts began to change to more motivational methods in teaching.  I want to my dogs to make good solid choices in what they do!  I want a dog that thinks for themselves but that are also team players!  I want my dogs to know I am very proud of them when they do it right and am disappointed when they do it wrong!  Not angry just that I disapprove!

Dogs are pack animals by nature! Most dogs generally what to be with their people!  As with anything there are exceptions to this but every wonderful dog quote out there speaks to a dogs loyalty and devotion. 

I went on a mission to figure out this so called “natural alerting”.  A friend of mine spoke with a renowned trainer named Connie Cleveland.  Ms. Cleveland had the following situation occur.  
“Someone who had a “natural seizure dog” had recently got a new dog to train for seizure alert work as their first dog was getting up there in years! The new dog while doing wonderful in every other area was not alerting nor even showing interest.  So they decided they needed more help and went to Ms. Cleveland.  After a lengthy interview it became clear to Ms. Cleveland what was occurring.  The first dog was in the home when the seizures first started occurring.  At first the every time the young girl had a seizure, the whole family would go into a panic! (Rightly so)  It was do this, do that!  DOG GET!  DOG MOVE!  DOG KENNEL!   DOG GO OUT!  The dog was always pushed away in the excitement of dealing with the seizure!  Dogs by nature are pack animals and very often are not very happy being pushed away.  They want to be with their owners.  So the dog (pretend you hear a dogs voice) says: ”I just want to be with my girl…why do you push me away?  How about if I do the exact same thing every time? What if I lay on top of you and REFUSE to move no matter what you tell me !”  Finally someone in the family observes that this dog is VERY clingly to the young girl right before a seizure occurs!  The family begins to document what the dog is doing and sure enough, the dog was alerting!  Eventually the family begins to really trust and rely on this dog!  He is really good at alerting, to the point that the young girl when she sees the alert, goes to the car and seat belts self in, has seizure and goes on with life.  Fast forward 10 years or so…the dog is getting old, so they try to replace the old dog, but it isn’t going so well ….WHY?  Ms. Cleveland believes that it is because THE PARTY went away!  Most people would gasp, ”how could anyone call caring for someone a seizure a party?”  Dogs don’t think or see PARTY….they feel energy.  There is a lot of energy put out there when a seizure is occurring.”  The dog learned to a lot because it didn’t like being PUSHED AWAY!

So now lets talk about Bravo and Cheveyo!  We could even talk about Loco, Hooter, Opie, and Crunch…but I was way to stupid of a dog trainer back then to recognize what they were doing.  It took age and time!   If you have followed this blog you have read the story of the first time I recognized Bravos alert. If not you can read it here: /2010/02/alert-stories.html  .  As I thought about what Ms. Cleveland had told my friend I realized that is EXACTLY what I had done with my Bravo and all the other dogs before him.  It went like this:  Dogs would be usually one on my lap or next to me in chair, and the other laying on my feet on the floor.  I might be on computer or watching TV and they would be napping.  I would move to grab that black thing (my BG meter) and they would both wake up.  They would then smell blood as I checked my numbers.  Then if I were ok I would shut it and lay back on table but if I were off (low) I would most often swear, PUSH DOGS OFF ME, and go running for the kitchen to get food.  Think about that a minute!  DO you see it?  I pushed them off! I pushed them away!  Both Bravo and Cheveyo are very sensitive dogs to that sort of stuff.  But I was not bright enough to see it!  It took Bravo doing some CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE for me to see it.   Then I wanted to KNOW WHY!!!!!!!!!

As I have gotten more and more involved with the Diabetic Alert Dog world I have seen civil disobedience often being the very start to a dog alerting!  Sometimes they forget every command they know and sort of spaz out.  Other times they are antsy.  Still other times it is like they are searching for some unknown thing! Different dogs offer different behaviors to tell you something is off.  As we begin to figure out the dogs KNOWS the scent we then begin to clarify HOW the dog can tell us we are off.

Bravo uses many ways to amp his alert. Sometimes if I am aware it is just subtle eye contact, if I am walking he will come across me and wont let me move.  He will often grab a bringsel or my meter.  He has progressed to the point that I can ask him what it is once I see the alert and he will BOW for a low and WAVE for a high.  A few times he has actually WAVED made eye contact then BOWED.  I was high but dropping fast…again he figured that out on his own!  I am still working on the answer to that!

Recently while at a family gathering for my mothers 80th birthday, we were sitting at the breakfast table.  Mom was dinking in the kitchen while my sister and I were chatting at kitchen table.  My sister is also diabetic.  We were talking away when my 80 year old mother who has never had a house dog in her entire life, who usually tells all her friends that my dogs can do amazing tricks…exclaims  “YOU GIRLS NEED TO CHECK YOUR SUGARS, CAUSE THAT DOG IS GETTING AGITATED!  This is my mother…bless her heart…I would have never considered one of her abilities to be the power of observation. 

Any how the moral of all of this OBSERVE YOUR DOG,  NEED TO KNOW WHY, BE PATIENT AND PERSISTENT and some day you too will have the “AH HA” moment of so THAT IS WHY MY DOG DOES THAT!


2011 AKC ACE Award

Again Bravo was nominated for the AKC ACE Award in 2011.  This is what was submitted this year:

Bravo is one of the most amazing dogs I have ever known.  He and his owner are very active in many AKC venues including field trials, hunt tests, agility, rally, and obedience but what he is most remarkable at is alerting his owner to dangerously low and high blood glucose levels.  KC, Bravo's owner, is a type 1 diabetic and Bravo has allowed her to remain active in the

things that she loves doing, which is performing the multitude of services involved with a Diabetic Alert Dog (breeding, raising, training and placing with families).

While that by it self is incredible, Bravo also helps others prepare for their own Diabetic Alert Dog.  He helps teach the diabetic and their family how to properly handle dogs.  He also alerts them if THEIR blood glucose is too high or too low.  He has alerted many with diabetes in elevators, in airplanes, at sporting venues, at doctor offices, and at a variety of other places.

At a recent Diabetic Alert Dog Conference in Mississippi, Bravo was working with a teenage diabetic, while his owner was instructing a class.  This young man is anxiously awaiting his own diabetic alert dog but is currently on a waiting list.  Suddenly Bravo began alerting him that his blood glucose was getting low.  The young man quickly checked his blood sugar with his meter, which confirmed the beginning stages of a low blood sugar. A dangerous low was prevented and avoided for this young man! This is huge in the life of a diabetic. The parents of the teenager approached KC and with tears in their eyes they stated "that is the most incredible thing we have ever seen!  We know that when we get our own dog that will be common, but this moment with Bravo will always be special for our son and for us, as he gave us our first real time alert to a low blood sugar."

Bravo and KC also help train many other dogs to perform this amazing and much needed service.  Bravo helps other dogs learn to perform this service through playful competition and a goal of being first to inform the diabetic of a low sugar.  Bravo, also is an example in KC's home to the many dogs in training.  Bravo misses very few low or high blood sugars on his owner and is a perfect example for other dogs to learn from.

The above stories of Bravo are just a few of hundreds of stories that could be told about Bravo and his interactions as a personal service dog to KC, a service dog to those he meets in the public and a training dog to dogs being trained to become diabetic alert dogs.

I am sure that you hear countless recommendations about many wonderful dogs for this award, but Bravo truly is a special dog and very worthy of this award!  Bravo has changed many lives in numerous ways through gifts he has and graciously shares with others.

He didnt win but he is still and evermore MY HERO!